Mid-Central Working Dobermans Club

Member club of the United Doberman Club - to protect and preserve the working abilities of the Doberman Pinscher in the United States of America.

A working Doberman Club All American Mid Central Working Doberman Club  Conformation

Mid Central Working Dobermans Club
Applicants Name _____________________________________________
City__________________________ State _____ Zip________________
Phone #____________________ E Mail___________________________
Applicants Signature_________________________________________
Signature indicated applicant has read and subscribes to the MCWDC Code of Ethics and by-laws.
Must be 18 years of age Yes_____ NO _____
Interest & abilities you can contribute _________________________________________________
How many Dobermans do you own?_____________ Have you titled any of your dogs? ______
This application must be signed by an active member in good standing. This requirement is waived for the first 15 charter members.
I endorse the application of _______________________________________________for membership.
1. ________________________________ _______________________________ _______________
Print Name Signature of MCWDC DATE
Dues: $35.00 for single for 1 year _________ $45.00 for family _____________
Make check payable to Mid Central Working Doberman’s Club and mail to:
795 NE 101 Road * Warrensburg, MO 64093

 Dog, Dog Club, AKC, American Kennel Club, UDC, United Doberman Club, Mid Central Working Dobermans, Doberman Pinscher, Doberman, Doberman Breeder, Missouri;

Call us 660 441-3822
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