Mid-Central Working Dobermans Club
Member club of the United Doberman Club - to protect and preserve the working abilities of the Total Doberman
Pinscher and to promote responsible dog ownership in the United States of America.
Workshop Entry Form
ENTRY FORM for MCWDC - Workshop - Lee Summit, MO
Name of owner:_____________________________________________________________________
Name of dog:_______________________________________________________________________
Reg#_______________________Microchip#___________________ DOB:_____________________
City:________________________________________________ State_______________ Zip______
E mail:________________________________________________Phone#____________________
Please check Classes to enter:
Workshop fees are as follows: Number of dog/s you will be working:
$100.00 per day for 1st dog
$80.00 per day for 2nd dog or 3rd dog (max)
$50.00 per day for puppies up to 12 months
Check if you have already signed and have on file in our office your Club waiver form._______________
Total Amt enclosed: $_________________________________
Authorized Agent/Owner Signature:___________________________________________________Date________________
You can complete on line by copy pasting this form into e mail and sending to mcwdclub@gmail.com and making payment
through paypal - send money to mcwdclub@gmail.com (this is much easier and we prefer paypal)
Make checks payable to: Mid Central Working Dobermans -
Mail to: 795 NE 101 Road - Warrensburg, MO 64093
660 441-3822
I have read the above and wish to enter my dog:
_____________________________________________________________________________s will close Aug 31st
Signature of owner Print name to follow
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Events |
Schools |
Membership Appl |
Training |
Videos of Dogs |
Copyright © 2010 Suzan Shipp/MCWDC. All rights reserved. Revised: ALL PICTURES AND
CONTENT ON THIS website ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF Suzan Shipp, webmaster and Mid Central
Working Dobermans Club and may not be used or copied without express written permission
from the owner/webmaster. Copyrighted 2010